Footprint 22
Exploring Architectural Form:
A Configurative Triad
Stavros Kousoulas & Jorge Mejía Hernández (Eds.)
This issue of Footprint 22 follows a tripartite trajectory regarding formal studies. On the one hand, it includes reflections on the way built form is produced, while, on the other, it gathers studies that examine how architectural form appears in discursive and communicative terms. Finally, it serves as an attractor for multiple inquiries into the different relations that can be established between human actions, understood in the broadest possible terms, and the shape of the built environment. By interrelating these three approaches, the aim is to embrace and braid object-based approaches to form with approaches that examine the reciprocity of formal emergence and studies dealing with in-formation. Emulating Joseph Kosuth’s well-known triptychs, a constant problematisation of architectural form is situated between these three topical interpretations, understood as architecture’s configurative triad. Acting on the threshold of various discursive outlines, the contributions to this issue transverse several kinds of formalisms, highlighting that beyond the limitations of any specific discourse, their heterogeneous assemblage can afford the production of theoretical, methodological and conceptual innovations in the field of contemporary formal studies. Footprint is a peer-reviewed journal presenting academic research in the field of architecture theory. It encourages the study of architecture and the urban environment as a means of comprehending culture and society, and as a tool for relating them to shifting ideological doctrines and philosophical ideas.
Softcover / 7 1⁄2 x 10 1⁄4 in. / 144 pp / 42 b&w
ISBN: 978-94-90322-98-4
Retail Price: $36.00
Architecture Theory Chair (TU Delft) & Stichting Footprint