Was Ist Loos?
Juliane Bischoff & Nicolaus Schafhausen (Eds.)
Current relevance characterizes the hybrid design objects of contemporary Dutch designer Ineke Hans (b. 1966). Taking account of today’s social developments, the blurring of boarders between work and personal life, and challenges created from a networked, globalized world, Hans asks questions about the functionality of contemporary design and how people, objects, and spaces interact. Celebrating the designer’s productive career is her first solo exhibition at the Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, along with an informative and excellently designed catalog by Irma Boom Office. The exhibition—its title a pun merging the German phrase for “What’s going on?” with the name of architect Adolf Loos—provided an overview of Hans’s work, while exploring the present and the future of design. Alongside images of her work are essays by Deyan Sudjic, director of the London Design Museum, and Bart Lootsma, professor of architectural theory at the University of Innsbruck, plus a conversation between Hans and Oliver Stratford, editor in chief of Disegno Magazine.
Softcover / 7 ¾ x 8 ¾ in. / 70 pp / Full color
ISBN: 978-3-95679-359-2
Retail Price: $29.95